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The magic of thinking BIG- David Schwartz, PhD

I actually got this book when I was visiting Bratislava, Slovakia. I went to this local market, where they sold everything from food to clothes and among these things were also books and lots of vintage stuff. So I looked through it and found this one and I immediately picked it up. The same day I got it, I started reading it and from chapter to chapter it started growing on me, so at the end I was almost sad that it was concluding. I believe I loved it this much, because I could see the principles presented in the book in my day to day life. Below are some important lessons I learned from this book.

Lessons I learned:

  • If you manifest something, it will happen. But not literally; more like your mind becomes so focused on the “goal” that it finds ways to execute it.
  • Do not let little things dictate your day; focus on bigger, more important matters. For example some us most definitely heard, “today is raining, that is why I am in a bad mood” sentence, where we assign undue importance to a small part of our day.
  • The way you treat other people, is the feedback you will recieve from them back. Good attitude= good feedback, relationship
  • Do not let mistakes slow you down; rather, learn and study them, so next time you can act differently/ better.
  • Assigning tasks to busy individuals often yields better results than giving them to those with ample free time. This is because busy people tend to be more organized and efficient.

How much time I spent reading it?

Book contains a little over 300 pages and I spent slightly more than a month reading it.

Rating: 8.5/10